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Udy is about 6 years old and heartworm positive. Do you have room for Udy to hang out for the next two months? Call the Tehama County Animal Care Center at 527-3439 for more information. (Contributed)

April is National Heartworm Awareness Month

More than a million pets in the United States have heartworms. Let that sink in, because it is one of the most horrible statistics regarding our furry friends. Heartworm affects an animal’s health and quality of life long after the heartworms are gone. These creatures are heartless in what they do. The American Heartworm Society ( reports that, typically, most pet owners would not knowingly put their pet at risk to become infected with the deadly disease, but millions of these same owners fail to protect their pet from the infestation. For a disease that is easily prevented, there are no excuses.

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The colors are changing but your clients’ heartworm prevention programs shouldn’t. To help spice up your client outreach programs this fall, the AHS has created a new set of posters you can print or post on your social pages.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

For more client tools, be sure to visit the Resource Center. And if you don’t already, make sure you’re sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts!