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“Doctor, I missed a heartworm dose!”

“Doctor, I missed a heartworm dose!”

Addressing pandemic-related lapses in heartworm prophylaxis

By Tom Nelson, DVM

When the COVID pandemic hit North America in March, the immediate goal of government leaders and public health officials was to preserve personal protective equipment (PPE) and avoid overwhelming human health-care systems. Lines were quickly drawn between “essential” and “nonessential” services, with definitions varying from state to state. In most states, veterinary personnel were considered essential workers and pet owners were allowed continued access to veterinary care; however, for a time, this was limited for many to emergency medical services.

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Long summer days are wonderful to enjoy! But warm weather means mosquitoes and the threat of heartworms they pose to pets is greater than ever. To help stress the protection message now AND all year long, check out our new “prevention” posters.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

For more client tools, be sure to visit the Resource Center. And if you don’t already, make sure you’re sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts!